martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Chilean Bicentenary

This year is an important date for Chile, because it is the year of its bicentenary. Bicentenary means that Chile achieved 200 years the last September 18. Is a crucial moment to reflect on what we did right and what must change and improve in the coming years. As the government say “is a unique opportunity to engage every citizen and institution in building of country we want, which could be defined by what we have called the . It seems to be the reason to celebrate some people say, but other people like me; we prefer stay out of the situation.

The bicentenary is not for me a date of celebration. It is a space to reflect on what we have achieved as country and about what we are capable of achieving. But to reflect is precisely what we need done like citizens. We remain in constant warfare, including with Chilean people. I refer to Mapuches. We have closed only a few moments of discussion and our country has continued to impose rules, forgetting the human rights. Our country consider to Mapuches as terrorists, “dangerous people” to the Chilean State. For me, this is not a united country, in fact that will happen at much longer, if the government does something to reverse the situation.

As well the state continue recognized as heroes to historical characters that have only disrupted the Chilean memory, forgetting who really made history, who were participants in events that we don’t know. That’s the false history that is transmitted in the history books in schools to children on our country. What do we want to celebrate? For example, a patriotic misconception was the last group of statues of O’Higgins and Carrera, simulating a drive that never existed. This act is so abhorrent as if we join to Pinochet with Allende.

We can not stay with a memory that is imposed without hesitation before. We can not assume a celebration without reading between lines the political discourse.
We need to think more, ask us what we have done for the country, and what we do. Where are we going, towards a united nation?
Do not forget our social memory. With that memory we can build much more than historical myths.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

My memorable event

A memorable event for me was when I meet to my boyfriend. It was a beautiful moment, in December of 2008. He was at my school, but on a parallel course. At school I only know him by name.

He added me to msn because he found out about my enter to university which in that moment was Diego Portales. We started to talk every day, about any topics. Sometimes, we saw how the night turned to day. One day we saw each other in a free concert of Los Jaivas, in Talca, in summer. Then we started a great friendship, we were very good friends. We went to drink beer, we had longs conversation. He was my best friend and confident. In one moment I felt him like my brother! Terrible…

While I had boyfriend, he always was worried for me. The way he was with me like me so much. Then, I ended my previous relationship, we met more often since that one year after we started a relationship.

Our relationship has been the best!! We are very empathetic. We are a complement, he is a very understanding. As well he study psychology and help me with topics that are interesting for me and my career.

We are so happy together!

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Historia de Cronopios y Famas

During my life I have had the opportunity to know several books. Really, I enjoy so much reading books. One of books that has impressed me was “Historia de cronopios y famas” writing by Julio Cortázar. This book is a surrealistic work about tree “character”. One of them is concept invented by him totally: “Cronopios”. Cronopios are “people” that are outside of events on book. They are like “antisocial” persons that we know in our days. The others are “Famas”, totally different to Cronopios. Famas are important people like presidents, people who advocate a established order. Finally, “Esperanza” that are intermediate characters who are dominated for Cronopios and Famas.

This book has several 47 short stories based in characters mentioned previously. “Camello declarado indeseable” is a charming story, my favorite story.

Of this book has impressed me for the world that how Cortázar built about this period in Argentina, the mains different between social classes are portrayed of interesting way in the book. Exist others books that has impressed me but not much like this. I like when authors to seduce readers.

I think that every book it’s different to another, every fantastic world is built with elements that are to different persons. I always have thought that each person has a one book.

I recommend this book to everybody who wants know a new world, more creative and poetic.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

The choice is our

To learn to care our enviroment for me is like a valoric practice which it’s learned in a family an then in school, since that children are in full development. For that, it’s necessary schools commitment with ecology, schools that use ecological things and produce it. But, insist that families are the main agent to educate behaviors in childrens.

I am not a person full committed to the ecology, but I’m agree with care the nature, not to contaminate with trash, not smoke. Usually I walk a lot, when I need go to some place, I walk and I like so much. It’s one of activities that more I do, it’s addictive. I walk sections so long, like from Los Leones state until Los Héroes station, always with good music. I have thought buy a bicycle, but I am afraid the cars, and Santiago hasn’t good cycle path.

Never I have participated in a some eco-organisations because sometimes I think that this organisations pass the limits, and they take it very serious some things, and lose their heads, blocking other opinions. I think that all extreme is bad. Must exist a balance.

I would do news initiatives in education, for to achieve a progress to change the conscience of the society, but the concern should start in the government, in the public politics. I think that people on Ñuñoa ask something very possible: to build building with no more of 4 floor.

Santiago is a city crowded with buildings, are a few the places without buildings, Ñuñoa, Bellavista, are two of them.

People thinks that for have more building we are a modern city, but the evolved thinking is first! For that education have a main rol, to promote new people with more conscience about our quality of life and our priorities.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

Study Links Bedtime Rules to Better Skills in Preschool Children

Recent studies indicate new results about the incidence of the hours for to sleep in preschool children. To go to bed every day at the same time promotes the development of areas for language and mathematics, the study of SIR International in California confirms it, not in the case that children whose go to bed after nine, the journal Sleep Medicine declare.

Doctors suggest to parents to use rules with children and have bedtime’s routines like reading books, or telling stories. Erika Gaylor suggests.

Also, a separate study found a relation between to sleep better and run faster. The study shows that to have more hours of sleep the players ran faster in short sections and the sleepy don’t appear during the day. Extend the sleepy during some weeks before competition is a good strategy “to reduce a sleep a night”, and to motivate a good performance, Cheri Mah declare.

By Doug Johnson.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Into the Wild

Into the wild is a one of my favorite movie. It’s directed by Sean Penn, the script too. It was premiered in 2007. The main characters are Emile Hirsch, William Hurt, winner of Oscar award, Marcia Gay Harden nominated like best actress and Catherine Keemer, nominated too.

The film is based on a book written by Jon Krakaur in 1996, about a real fact.

The history is about a boy, Christopher McCandless, who has around 23 years old and has a normal life living with his parents and sister. His family is very wealthy, consecuence of that, he is bored of his life, he is not interesting in money like his family, he has others interests, human interest. After graduating from university, Chris decide to start a trip to Alaska. The trip to Alaska is the plot of the film.

It’s a beautiful movie, emotionally intense, with amazing landscapes. It has some scenes where the script is so emotional that generates that you think about your life.

Well, the music is fantastic too. Eddie Vedder was who worried of the soundtrack. The songs are accurate for each scene. “Guaranteed” is very special song for me. Really recommend the movie and the soundtrack for sensitve people like me.

The topics are very human, justly we need of that reality in our days, where it seems that we do not care about anything around us.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010


Santiago is a city very versatile. It have many places which you can go and enjoy with the family or with your boyfriend, whatever…

There is a place that I like me so much, it is localized very near to Parque Forestal and Bellas Artes subway station, in the street Esmeralda 371. It is a café so beautiful and welcoming place, even thought it’s very small , the ambient is comfortable and original.

Well… the name of this place is “Laboatorio”, started like “Boa” but the new name is related with a “Laboratory of senses”. This is directly connect with the food too.

The specialty of Laboatorio are the tea. It’s has many kinds of teas with a paticular taste. When I went with my sister, we tasted the “magic tea”, it was a flower which with the time it’s opened slowly in the water and you must make a wish during those happened. It was a moment so beautifil!

The decor is very artistic, with warm colors and paintings acording to place.

Another interesting thing about café is that has a samall second floor with a couple os litlle tables and one kind of round bed where you can eat, like in your home!

I recommend this place for quiet people, who like peaceful places for have a conversation with some special.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Music to fly

It’s difficult to me try to talk about my favorite music. Are many the bands that like me, but there are some more special than others. The most important are rock’s bands, especially classic rock. I enjoy so much listen bands like Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Beatles, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin, Jimmi Hendrix and others. I listen this music since I was a child, because my older brother likes it. Then, when I was a teenager I found new bands that attract me with their music. Even I had the chance to assist to two concerts. I went to see Pearl Jam in the year 2005 and Radiohead in the year 2009, this was a moment amazing in my life, I think that there are not something better that to be in a full place to people that enjoy with the same music than me. Feel the music so strong in my ears from the band that I like, doesn´t compare with nothing.
Also I had the privilege to see Roger Waters in the year 2007, who did a spectacular show compiling the disc Dark Side of the Moon completely.

The experience that I had in the three concerts is very fresh in my memory, even more when I listen some songs from their. I like much the last album of Radiohead (In Rainbows), and also Kid A and Ok Computer. The songs that I more listen of those disc are: Idioteque, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, Jigsaw falling into Place, The Tourist, Let Down, Paranoid Androids, and many others.

I can´t leave to mention the Eddie Vedder music, when I saw the movie Into the Wild I loved the Soundtrack, which is more melancholic and slow that the typical songs of Pearl Jam.

The music is indispensable to make our own soundtrack of life.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Everyone need to travel

I would like to know many places, but is difficult choose only one. I think that I would choose Denmark. I know very little about this country, but one day of this week, news showed that Denmark was a country very comfortable to live. The people from these place have more conscience about care the air and planet. A good quality of live is an important point for to go with the family, or for have family there.

There, everyone use like transport a bicycle, which help to people have a good phisycal state, without stress. Besides people that doing exercises for 30 min every day, live for a long time. That like me so much, I love ride a bicke in places with beautiful landscapes.

I think that Denmark could be a good choose for stady too. The image from Tv transmit me a special sensation like if everyone were so happy. I imagine that Education in Denmark have a good quality like the life of their residentes, but I know so much about these.

Even though Chile is a country very friendly, I think that public politics aren’t the better for needs of people who really wants a differents things, like a better education, health, home, etc.

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Last semester

Well, today I start to write a new blog, but it´s necessary make a recount about what happened the previous month.
The year started with a some things which changed the course of Chilean history. I refer about earthquake of February 27th 2010. In these momento I stayed in Talca, very closer of the epicenter. The 8.8 degrees Richter scale shook my house horribly.

The February 28th 2010 was my sister`s birthday. I remember that we were in the garden, with my family under constant aftershoks.
When finished my holidays I came back to Santiago with my boyfriend. The class started and the stress and fatigue, came back too. But despite theseI had a good semester in the university, I got a good average of marks. I feel very comfortable for these.
Maybe the strikes in my career and in the university in general, were the “black spots” during the semester, the ugly face of this was that our demands have not been heard yet. We continue waiting for comfortable answers from department of Education.

Sadly, I lost an important person, my grandmother. It´s was a sad moment for my father and was really shocking see him so distressed.
In conclusion the first part of this year was very changeable in all aspect.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

My blogging experience

Well, during this period of class that we have been working in our blog, I learned of fun way. These kind of learn is more significant for me because we have the opportunity to give our opinion respect different topics that are interesting, as well, at the same time we practice English.
I enjoyed very much this opportunity of learn English, is different, I don't like be sit down all the time in the class, is something that becomes daily and bored, overcoat when you want learn a new language.
I think I improved my English, specialty my English writing, because the work have been constant in class.

Some the advantages of work in blogs are that you see how your English vocabulary progress in the time. Every posts show the advances that you have class to class. But, is important that you always practices English, because the idea is that stay it in your memory. Other interesting point of this way of learning is that you can see the posts of your partners of class and know their points of view.
Perhaps a big disadvantage of blog is that not exist interaction with the others persons of class. This point is very important in the learning, because with the interaction you have the possibility to have a conversation in which the learning be enriched for both persons.

In general, I have been a good experience working in the blog; I consider the blog is a useful tool to dare to learn English from your own experience. Is novel and original way, the schools should include this methodology in the class of English to incite the learning of children and young people.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Witten by...

The blog that I chose was “English class” written by María León. Her blog have 12 posts about different topics that we have been working in class.
Essentially, I like the color of background, is a green very intense, really beautiful color. Almost all posts have a photograph according to topic. Other important point, for me, present in this blog is that blog have a list with all our names, this is a good option for who are forgetful.
In general, I think that is a blog very complete, with all topics that we have been seeing during the semester.
Particularly I like the post with named “Skills” in which she speaks about her career, psychology, and the skills or abilities that the students of these career needs in their process. Personally, I consider very interesting the psychology like knowledge area and I think that I have this kind of skills that she mentions. Many times I asked myself if I could be a good student of psychology, overcoat when I was “younger”. But… I'm not sure what happened in the way, anyway I'm not regretful of my career.

About her English, I think that its very good, maybe because I consider that I don't know write very well in English, but I understand without problems her posts, are clears and precise.
In my opinion, respect to her blog, she could warrant her posts, with the intention that it look more organized, but in general I like it so much.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Schools are killing the creativity

The education is an extend topic, but it has secondary topics that are necessary to work. One of them is the creativity, and how the schools are involved with development of this.
Ken Robinson says that the schools are killing the creativity of children, the teachers and the education in general, emphasize just some areas of body like brain essentially. Actually, in Chile happen some similar. The schools impose to children a way of work in the classroom. In the last years our country had been worried of scores obtain of SIMCE, like if the results of this kind of “test” is the only parameter of development of children. But, what happen with abilities like arts?, paint? dance? Children have a tremendous talent and we don`t value it.

This topic interest me a lot, I will be a teacher, and I don`t fall in the practice in an education that not consider a complete development of children. For me, is very important and urgent that the education have others priorities in the learning of childhood.
The futures teachers must be promote of an integral education. Many times developing artistic skills, others skills are developed without the need of children keep sit down all the time.
Children need liberty of choice and decision, the imagination can open ways of learning with a sense much more significant for their. The world has been change, and the educational practice should do it too.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010


I don’t want to be auto-reference, but I took this photo in my first initial practice at school “República de Alemania” which is locates in neighborhood Yungay. There, I had an unforgettable experience, because I watched a hard reality. The school “República de Alemania” is a public and multicultural stablemen which receive essentially children from countries like Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, between others less massive. The context present in that place is a great challenge for teachers, but I felt that teachers were not committed to their students, the teacher of the course that I watched, maltreated psychologically to children, it was horrible!

The violence, mono-parental families, boys and girls with alcoholic parents, are elements that affect in educative process.
The picture was took it in May, 2009. The school celebrated the “day of student” with different recreational activities for all students. The boys of the picture have around fourteen years old, but they are not student of grade where I was. I remember that two of them are from Perú, and the first (in the picture) is chilean.

I love this picture because I like the contrast that produces with the background and their color of skin. As well, the smile of the third boys is very natural and intense. It was a great capture.
When I look this picture, I think many thing respect schools and teacher without vocation. Is unbelievable how these children needs love, affection. This kind of experience motivate me to continue working and studying my career.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

The best sister, my best friend

During my life, I have been had bad experiences with friends (overcoat with girls). Almost always the relationships broken or something happen. Maybe I’m a complicated person. But exist somebody who always has been with me, she is my sister. Although when we were little girls, we quarreled so much, now that she has twenty five years old, and I have twenty years old, we have a friendly relationship. I know she like nobody, her likes, things that she hates, fears, her favorite food and movies. Everything!

Our likes are compatible, but I must admit that my character is stronger. We both prefer healthy food, but we love the sweet food: waffles, ice creams, chocolates…. When we stay together we laugh a lot sawing our photographs or when remember something. Also we watch dramatics movies or comedies about love. We enjoyed so much together and even more so when we are with mom.
She is a great person, very imaginative and creative, I love that. She is energetic, very positive woman, always give good vibrations! This is a big difference with me, I’m nostalgic, a passive person, I try to be calm in determinates situations. She is explosive, I mean is not angry, but maybe reactive and sensitive girl.
Many times we have been distance, but a short period of time, never nothing serious, just disagreement of sister (clothes borrowed, lost things. This kind of situations)

Sadly… she decided going to live with her boyfriend to Viña del Mar. I think that she has a great future like an ambient designer (her career).

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Skills of Education

Education needs a series of skills, in students and teachers, which take part in the classroom with the purpose to achieve a good class.
In my area, I think that the futures teachers, must be prepare for confront of best way different problems and realities that can affect the education’ process. Vocation, disposition, responsibility, organization in the week and in times, develop respect, have patience and dedication, be creative, know communicate between persons, a good physical expression, listening comprehension, are some skills that teachers, and students of education should manage at specify moment.

Some of these skills are innate, but others of them are learnt. For example, the vocation it`s not something that we can learn, vocation is an personal energy capable exceed possible obstacles that arise in the way. Responsibility is innate too, it depend of each person. The communication between persons, be social, is something possible of develop. There many places or courses which work with this topic to confront the timidity.

In this University, the career of Education is in serious problems respect to the professional formation. The career is leaving many subjetcs behind, this not permite that our formation be complete.

Exist some important contents that are not include in formal curriculum, like didactic, stages of develpment of children, care of children and many others. This situation affect directly our future, because in my opinion, if you haven´t the necessary tools in your area of work, the insecurity invades you and the job market don't acept you.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Pendrive: Music and information

The globalization has generated that the communication between persons could it be more fast and fluid. Thanks to technology the world is connect. We can see it in the variety of things that we use everyday like cars, electro domestics, food, digital tools, and many others.
My favorite technology thing is an object for listen to music and save information: Pendrive. The pendrive is an USB memory, which store information of all kind. I think that is incredible how something so small can save many things.
My father bought it for my birthday in June, 2007. Since that time I use it everyday, overcoat for listen to music in the mornings, during the travel at university. Is very useful when you are bored!
As well, it’s perfect for transfer documents, works, photos, music and many others things to any computer in any place.

I like it because is small, useful and no use battery, just charge it in the computer. I love music too, and this object has allowed me listen my favourite music when I want.
Other point that I like of pendrives is the option for to record voices. I use this option for to record some class in the university and listen it when I have an exam.

I think that many technological objects are necessary actually, but I feel that society manipulate people to buy products that not always we need. Advertising invents needs in persons and people generate false needs.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Bahía Inglesa

Bahía Inglesa is a paradise place, it is located in the third region . Is a little beach but is great!!
I went there with a partner of school, Valentina, and her parents. It was a “free trip” on holidays. We went in February 2006. We toured all the north until we arrived to Bahía Inglesa. We had a lot patience.
The place was amazing! The beach had white sand, the color of the ocean was very, very blue and turquoise. Really beautiful! We stayed in a comfortable cabin with swimming pool and palm trees. As well, the cabin had a mini-bar where we talked during all night.
When we arrived, Valentina and me toured the place and we bought many handicrafts things for our friends of Talca. In the night, we went dinner in a restaurant specialty in shellfish. The food was a bit salty but delicious. In the next days, we went at beach, enjoyed the sun and played beach tennis all afternoon.

We stayed two weeks there, but we visit a close places too, like Caldera, Copiapó, Chañaral, between others places of the north.
I liked very much that Bahía Inglesa was small, because everyone know the others persons, they were like a community.

It was a good travel, I enjoyed a lot and free!

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Chile Crece contigo

“Chile crece contigo” is a chilean website that contribute with the integral protection for the childhood and their families. This program is assign to boys and girls of all the country. The idea is generate a social environment base in a familiar environment.
This page provides to adults of different aspects necessary for care, motivation and development of children.
The web site offer a serie of sections according to ages of little boys and girls. The topics of the web page are variety, but all them are very important for the adequate development of children.

Some sections of the website are:
“Maybe you need know”
“Most viewed”
“Activities for share”
“Questions to expert”
“Testimonies”, between others topics.

The page offer too different forums about: Gestation, labor and birth, maternal lactation, stimulation and learning, children’s healthy, specials needs.

Generally, I visit this page when I have an e-mail with the weekly bulletin, because I’m register there. In the weekly bulletin appears a new topic and always are very interesting. As well, the information that I read in the page is useful for my career, I like this because I use it like a complement for some subjects.

I remember that visited this page in the 2008. That year I discovered that my vocation was the children. I like know about their and this site is a good option for approach to their world.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

A social problematic

Well. This topic is very intense for me, because I’m student of elementary education and the education is a permanent problem that all Chile comment it.
All persons in the world must receive a good education because is a social condition, is a right of everybody. Lamentably this not happen in Chile, overcoat since that the education left in hands of the municipalities and privates entities.
The education in Chile is UNEVEN. Is unbearable. The private schools offer, in general, a better quality education than subsidizes schools for the government or public schools. This is a principal point that must be solved about education. The “good education” is directly connected with the persons that have much money. The resources that are assign to education are uneven too, so the students don’t work with the same material in class.
Other point is the motivation of teachers or which are the drams that have the students of pedagogy. Actually the teachers are despise in their job. The same happen with the students of pedagogy, this is a one of the causes about why people not join to career like this. (between others aspects)
I think that some solutions could be: That the States be worry for the education again, reduce the number of students at the class. Incentive persons for study education or pedagogy….
An interesting bet is the auto-education, education in communities. A not formal education, but an education for life.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

An amazing film

Yeah, this film is the best!

Mulholland Drive is a film directed by David Lynch. It was realized the year 2001. The actors that participate are: Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Ann Miller between others. I saw this film the last year (2009) in the night, with my boyfriend in my home.

The film is about the history of Betty (Naomi Watts) who arrived to Los Angeles with the illusion of to be an actress. Is an interesting film because is really “strange”. The plot is very complicated. This point is the principal attraction of the film, is such a puzzle with crazy scenes that are very strong and to attain a good work.
I like the films that have a degree of confusion. The idea is to rebuild the film for understand it, and if it is necessary, watch it again and again and again. I saw it three times and I still don´t understand it very well.
The film, have not a just explanation, the comprehension of the movie depend of each person, I like that, because the imagination plays an important rol.

I recommend you! See this movie and enjoy it.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Website BBC

BBC website is a very good way for learn English using internet. In this site we found different topics. The topic that I saw was “Face up Phrasals”, specifically the section “Fred and Betty: Is this the end?”
Fred and Betty is a series about a couple that have been dating for years, but they have a serious problem that is to carry out in a telephone conversation during 10 episodes. This conversation tell us a misunderstanding between both. The idea is learn, listening the episodes of the story, some words and phrases that have a little level of difficult. As well as the web page offer a explanation and a grammatical use of the word/phrases in the adequate context. This way to make possible learn English in a fun way.

I think that this kind of learning is very good for the students that start their studies in English, because is not bored and development the capacity of the people.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Februray 27th 2010

February 26th 2010 I was in Talca with my boyfriend walking for the city. It was a nice afternoon in a cafe talking about our lifes. In the night, we was in my home, we saw together the Festival of Viña del Mar. Ricardo Arjona was the last artist that we saw. Then, arrived to my house my cousin from San Javier, my sister, my uncle from Santiago and my mother. Everything It was okay. My mom opened the box of the photographs and she told us about the past of the family. At 03:30 a strong movement shook the earth. A earthquake magnitude 8.8 degrees Richter scale. The earthquake generated a Tsunami in the central area of the country. The old houses were destroyed completely. Many people died, but now the survivors to this catastrophe need help.
It was a distressing scene.
I hope that the government reconstruct the country before that people lose the faith.

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

Somthing about me

Well, my name is Constanza Pérez, I'm twenty years old, I love the children and this is my second year studing Elementary education. I think that children are the base for change the world in the different aspects of the life. They are the future and their education is vital for their development.

I hope to have a good experience in this class because I learned english at the school and I was a good student, but I not practice the language, I think that I forgot some important points.