jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Witten by...

The blog that I chose was “English class” written by María León. Her blog have 12 posts about different topics that we have been working in class.
Essentially, I like the color of background, is a green very intense, really beautiful color. Almost all posts have a photograph according to topic. Other important point, for me, present in this blog is that blog have a list with all our names, this is a good option for who are forgetful.
In general, I think that is a blog very complete, with all topics that we have been seeing during the semester.
Particularly I like the post with named “Skills” in which she speaks about her career, psychology, and the skills or abilities that the students of these career needs in their process. Personally, I consider very interesting the psychology like knowledge area and I think that I have this kind of skills that she mentions. Many times I asked myself if I could be a good student of psychology, overcoat when I was “younger”. But… I'm not sure what happened in the way, anyway I'm not regretful of my career.

About her English, I think that its very good, maybe because I consider that I don't know write very well in English, but I understand without problems her posts, are clears and precise.
In my opinion, respect to her blog, she could warrant her posts, with the intention that it look more organized, but in general I like it so much.

2 comentarios:

  1. me too like your color in his blog, because is a green very intense, really beautiful.

  2. The blog that you chose seems very interesting because all you wrote. I really don´t visit often the alls blogs but I think that will see it.
    See you Miss Cony!
