miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Everyone need to travel

I would like to know many places, but is difficult choose only one. I think that I would choose Denmark. I know very little about this country, but one day of this week, news showed that Denmark was a country very comfortable to live. The people from these place have more conscience about care the air and planet. A good quality of live is an important point for to go with the family, or for have family there.

There, everyone use like transport a bicycle, which help to people have a good phisycal state, without stress. Besides people that doing exercises for 30 min every day, live for a long time. That like me so much, I love ride a bicke in places with beautiful landscapes.

I think that Denmark could be a good choose for stady too. The image from Tv transmit me a special sensation like if everyone were so happy. I imagine that Education in Denmark have a good quality like the life of their residentes, but I know so much about these.

Even though Chile is a country very friendly, I think that public politics aren’t the better for needs of people who really wants a differents things, like a better education, health, home, etc.

3 comentarios:

  1. that beautiful place,

    greetings! bye!

  2. your picture is very lovely!.... :)

    yes, I know that a lot of people choose Dinamarca to study!... I expect that if you want to study in there, you can achieve your purpose! xD


  3. Great place and funny picture. Denmark is really wonderful! Bye friend!
