Education needs a series of skills, in students and teachers, which take part in the classroom with the purpose to achieve a good class.
In my area, I think that the futures teachers, must be prepare for confront of best way different problems and realities that can affect the education’ process. Vocation, disposition, responsibility, organization in the week and in times, develop respect, have patience and dedication, be creative, know communicate between persons, a good physical expression, listening comprehension, are some skills that teachers, and students of education should manage at specify moment.
In my area, I think that the futures teachers, must be prepare for confront of best way different problems and realities that can affect the education’ process. Vocation, disposition, responsibility, organization in the week and in times, develop respect, have patience and dedication, be creative, know communicate between persons, a good physical expression, listening comprehension, are some skills that teachers, and students of education should manage at specify moment.
Some of these skills are innate, but others of them are learnt. For example, the vocation it`s not something that we can learn, vocation is an personal energy capable exceed possible obstacles that arise in the way. Responsibility is innate too, it depend of each person. The communication between persons, be social, is something possible of develop. There many places or courses which work with this topic to confront the timidity.
In this University, the career of Education is in serious problems respect to the professional formation. The career is leaving many subjetcs behind, this not permite that our formation be complete.
Exist some important contents that are not include in formal curriculum, like didactic, stages of develpment of children, care of children and many others. This situation affect directly our future, because in my opinion, if you haven´t the necessary tools in your area of work, the insecurity invades you and the job market don't acept you.