jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Skills of Education

Education needs a series of skills, in students and teachers, which take part in the classroom with the purpose to achieve a good class.
In my area, I think that the futures teachers, must be prepare for confront of best way different problems and realities that can affect the education’ process. Vocation, disposition, responsibility, organization in the week and in times, develop respect, have patience and dedication, be creative, know communicate between persons, a good physical expression, listening comprehension, are some skills that teachers, and students of education should manage at specify moment.

Some of these skills are innate, but others of them are learnt. For example, the vocation it`s not something that we can learn, vocation is an personal energy capable exceed possible obstacles that arise in the way. Responsibility is innate too, it depend of each person. The communication between persons, be social, is something possible of develop. There many places or courses which work with this topic to confront the timidity.

In this University, the career of Education is in serious problems respect to the professional formation. The career is leaving many subjetcs behind, this not permite that our formation be complete.

Exist some important contents that are not include in formal curriculum, like didactic, stages of develpment of children, care of children and many others. This situation affect directly our future, because in my opinion, if you haven´t the necessary tools in your area of work, the insecurity invades you and the job market don't acept you.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Pendrive: Music and information

The globalization has generated that the communication between persons could it be more fast and fluid. Thanks to technology the world is connect. We can see it in the variety of things that we use everyday like cars, electro domestics, food, digital tools, and many others.
My favorite technology thing is an object for listen to music and save information: Pendrive. The pendrive is an USB memory, which store information of all kind. I think that is incredible how something so small can save many things.
My father bought it for my birthday in June, 2007. Since that time I use it everyday, overcoat for listen to music in the mornings, during the travel at university. Is very useful when you are bored!
As well, it’s perfect for transfer documents, works, photos, music and many others things to any computer in any place.

I like it because is small, useful and no use battery, just charge it in the computer. I love music too, and this object has allowed me listen my favourite music when I want.
Other point that I like of pendrives is the option for to record voices. I use this option for to record some class in the university and listen it when I have an exam.

I think that many technological objects are necessary actually, but I feel that society manipulate people to buy products that not always we need. Advertising invents needs in persons and people generate false needs.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Bahía Inglesa

Bahía Inglesa is a paradise place, it is located in the third region . Is a little beach but is great!!
I went there with a partner of school, Valentina, and her parents. It was a “free trip” on holidays. We went in February 2006. We toured all the north until we arrived to Bahía Inglesa. We had a lot patience.
The place was amazing! The beach had white sand, the color of the ocean was very, very blue and turquoise. Really beautiful! We stayed in a comfortable cabin with swimming pool and palm trees. As well, the cabin had a mini-bar where we talked during all night.
When we arrived, Valentina and me toured the place and we bought many handicrafts things for our friends of Talca. In the night, we went dinner in a restaurant specialty in shellfish. The food was a bit salty but delicious. In the next days, we went at beach, enjoyed the sun and played beach tennis all afternoon.

We stayed two weeks there, but we visit a close places too, like Caldera, Copiapó, Chañaral, between others places of the north.
I liked very much that Bahía Inglesa was small, because everyone know the others persons, they were like a community.

It was a good travel, I enjoyed a lot and free!

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Chile Crece contigo

“Chile crece contigo” is a chilean website that contribute with the integral protection for the childhood and their families. This program is assign to boys and girls of all the country. The idea is generate a social environment base in a familiar environment.
This page provides to adults of different aspects necessary for care, motivation and development of children.
The web site offer a serie of sections according to ages of little boys and girls. The topics of the web page are variety, but all them are very important for the adequate development of children.

Some sections of the website are:
“Maybe you need know”
“Most viewed”
“Activities for share”
“Questions to expert”
“Testimonies”, between others topics.

The page offer too different forums about: Gestation, labor and birth, maternal lactation, stimulation and learning, children’s healthy, specials needs.

Generally, I visit this page when I have an e-mail with the weekly bulletin, because I’m register there. In the weekly bulletin appears a new topic and always are very interesting. As well, the information that I read in the page is useful for my career, I like this because I use it like a complement for some subjects.

I remember that visited this page in the 2008. That year I discovered that my vocation was the children. I like know about their and this site is a good option for approach to their world.