Well. This topic is very intense for me, because I’m student of elementary education and the education is a permanent problem that all Chile comment it.
All persons in the world must receive a good education because is a social condition, is a right of everybody. Lamentably this not happen in Chile, overcoat since that the education left in hands of the municipalities and privates entities.
The education in Chile is UNEVEN. Is unbearable. The private schools offer, in general, a better quality education than subsidizes schools for the government or public schools. This is a principal point that must be solved about education. The “good education” is directly connected with the persons that have much money. The resources that are assign to education are uneven too, so the students don’t work with the same material in class.
Other point is the motivation of teachers or which are the drams that have the students of pedagogy. Actually the teachers are despise in their job. The same happen with the students of pedagogy, this is a one of the causes about why people not join to career like this. (between others aspects)
I think that some solutions could be: That the States be worry for the education again, reduce the number of students at the class. Incentive persons for study education or pedagogy….
An interesting bet is the auto-education, education in communities. A not formal education, but an education for life.
All persons in the world must receive a good education because is a social condition, is a right of everybody. Lamentably this not happen in Chile, overcoat since that the education left in hands of the municipalities and privates entities.
The education in Chile is UNEVEN. Is unbearable. The private schools offer, in general, a better quality education than subsidizes schools for the government or public schools. This is a principal point that must be solved about education. The “good education” is directly connected with the persons that have much money. The resources that are assign to education are uneven too, so the students don’t work with the same material in class.
Other point is the motivation of teachers or which are the drams that have the students of pedagogy. Actually the teachers are despise in their job. The same happen with the students of pedagogy, this is a one of the causes about why people not join to career like this. (between others aspects)
I think that some solutions could be: That the States be worry for the education again, reduce the number of students at the class. Incentive persons for study education or pedagogy….
An interesting bet is the auto-education, education in communities. A not formal education, but an education for life.